International Council of Islamic Finance Educators

Islamic Banking Operations

Published in 2016

Topic Content
1 Shariah Basis and Framework of Islamic Banking

  1. Shariah basis
  2. Compliance with the scheme of Shariah Laws
  3. Conceptual framework of banking and finance
  4. Equity financing and debt financing in Islam
2 Products and Services of Islamic Banking

  1. Simple bank organization
  2. Deposit products
  3. Financing products
  4. Islamic bank’s balance sheet
  5. Islamic bank’s income statement
  6. Cost of deposit
  7. Financing revenue
  8. Profit of Islamic banks
3 Deposit Operations

  1. Transactional deposits and dividend calculation
  2. Investment deposit and dividend calculation’
  3. Money market deposits
  4. Negotiable Islamic Certificate of Deposits and calculations
  5. Structured deposits
  6. Gold Investment Account
4 Credit Assessment

  1. Rules Governing Financing
  2. Credit Processing
  3. 5Cs of Credit
  4. SWOT Analysis
  5. Other Factors
5 Financing Operations 1 – Retail Financing

  1. Retail products
  2. The concept of amortization
  3. Home Financing
  4. Vehicle Financing
  5. Personal Financing
  6. Credit Cards
6 Financing Operations II – Corporate Financing

  1. Corporate Financing
  2. Term Financing
  3. Working Capital Financing
  4. Islamic Trade financing (Optional Topic)
7 Legal Framework

  1. Islamic Banking Act 1983
  2. Scope of Islamic Banking Business
  3. Government Investment Act 1983
  4. Real Property Gains Tax Act  1976
  5. Stamp Act 1949
  6. Islamic Finance Services Act (IFSA) 2013
  7. Summary
8 Shariah Governance

  1. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Shariah Governance
  2. Shariah Review
  3. Shariah Audit
  4. Shariah Risk Management

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