International Council of Islamic Finance Educators

Eid Adha Mubarak 1441 Hijrah


Salam Hurmat. Salam Sejahtera. Selamat Menyambut Eidil Adha 1441 Hijrah. Eid Mubaarak to our ICIFE members and communities.

Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar Wailillahil Hamd.

On this special day of Gathering in ‘Arafah we seek forgiveness from Allah swt for all our our shortcomings and limitations to be His obedient servant with humility as well as to seek His Mercy, Blessings and Guidance to best serve the communities and Ummah to enjoin good and avoid evil. We also seek strength from His Compassion to be patient in facing the COVID Pandemic tribulation and at the sametime to have a discerning mind to be grateful and caring for our society. May all our aspiring efforts to inspire with ‘amal saleh and sadaqa jariah in our endeavors in a digital Islamic finance education network and bordeless Islamic economy be accepted and obtained the Pleasure of Allah swt.

Jakamullah Hu Khairan Katheerah. Wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.